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Articles for Healthcare Doctors

The Weight Loss Consultation, Part 7 of 7: Consult is over, what’s next? (2 min|read)

Writer's picture: Gus BouariGus Bouari

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

You’re reading part 7 of 7, of The Weight Loss Consultation: consult is over, what’s next?

Now that your patient has checked-out, here is a quick review for your benefit

You can also read into the articles of our Follow-ups and Weigh-ins, but here are some notes for your review on what to expect from your patient.

1. Initial weight loss 10-14 days in

So obviously the most weight loss occurs in the first 10-14 days. Lowering carbohydrates will cause a lot of water to flush out. So depending on how much weight they need to lose, 30% of weight loss will be from water. The other would be from fat.

So when they usually come in for their first weigh-in, they’ve lost a significant amount of weight and they are motivated. That would be the time to CAPITALIZE on it. High-fives all around!

2. Potential problem patient?

There will always be problem patients. This is not related to weight loss patients only. You can usually spot a problem patient during your consult and if they signed-up you’ve got to prepare for them. Male patients are usually easier on weight loss programs because they lose twice as fast.

Female patients have more hormonal issues. So other than willpower, discipline, habits etc. hormonal problems are a real thing. They could get their thyroid checked as it regulates metabolism.

3. Did you use the BMI machine?

Just so you know, these little BMI machines aren’t very accurate. They cannot identify between water, muscle and fat. If a female patient is in menopause, or is on her cycle, then it would be completely off. If you wanted to use it, use it when the patient first signs up and then mid-way and towards the end i.e every 3-4 weeks.

4. Developing the right habits, behavior change

Why don’t people change their eating plan after multiple heart attacks? It’s usually because they can’t change their behavior. The good news is that this program has structure, and a ritual. The ritual of using the SUPREME spray twice a day etc.

Rituals can be hard to break.

In regards to their behavior, if for example “John” goes some exercise every monrning, then recommend to John they don’t change this behavior. Keep a routine and stick to it.

5. Planning around their strengths

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Take a proper review of their wellness questionnaire. Again, some people like to cook, those that do like to cook, make sure you’ve sent them recipes. Some people are more disciplined than others. There are patients that LOVE salads, well great, have them focus on making different salads.

6. Recommend a “motivational board”

If they have or had specific goals, then help design their habitat. Let’s go back to John again, If John was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight to prevent a heart attack, then John might be doing a weight loss program so that he can live to play with his grandkids. Not to be overdramatic here, but John could put pictures of his grandkids on his fridge. It reminds him every day why he is doing this.

“Janet” migth be inspired by motivational quotes. She should read them every day.

7. Have them put up a “scoreboard”

“People play differently when they are being scored.” This is a quote from the best selling book, The 4 Disciplines of Execution. Example if exercise was part of their daily routine, did they exercise on Monday, on Tuesday? The journal can be used as a medium for their scoreboard.

“Hmm what do I need to do every day to be successful to achieve my weight loss goal?

Every day I monitor the folllowing:

  1. I took my supplements today – CHECK

  2. Ate 4-5 cups of vegetable for fiber and micronutrients – CHECK

  3. Had some organic food – CHECK

  4. Exercised for 30 minutes – CHECK

  5. Confirmed my weigh-in for next week! – CHECK

  6. Meditated or lowered stress – CHECK

  7. Slept 7-9 hours – CHECK

  8. Spent a few minutes educating myself on eating healthy CHECK


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