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The Weight Loss Consultation, Part 2 of 7: Enhance the patient experience during your face-to-face

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

You’re reading part 2 of 7, of The Weight Loss Consultation: Enhance the patient experience during your face-to-face consultation

Part 2 here is about enhancing the patient experience during your face-to-face consult so that they are inspired to learn and join the program. As I did in the article of how to conduct a great lifestyle show, I’ve borrowed tips from the author Carmine Gallo, who wrote the best-selling book Talk Like TED, the 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds.

If you want to create an inspiring and engaging presentation, you’ve got to:

  1. Evoke emotion and passion

  2. Create novelty (show something new)

  3. Bottom Line (be memorable)

1. Evoke Emotion and passion

Unleash the Master Within

Why it works: You stand a much greater chance of persuading and inspiring your audience if you express an enthusiastic, passionate, and meaningful connection to your topic. If your goal is more altruistic, giving your audience information to help them live better lives, you’ll make a deeper connection and feel more comfortable in your presentation. You do this every day anyway. Helping people gives you joy. Those who are joyful about their work tend to make the best public speakers.

The audience is going to meet YOU, the wellness professional first. They want to feel comfortable with you or your team before committing to any program. Your patient needs to feel understood. Put yourself in their shoes.

Master the Art of Storytelling

Why it works: Brain scans reveal that stories stimulate and engage the human brain, helping the speaker connect with the audience and making it much more likely that the audience will agree with the speaker’s point of view. You need data, facts, and analysis to challenge people, but you also need narrative to get people comfortable enough to care. Storytelling is the ultimate tool of persuasion. Brands, as well as individuals, who tell stories, emotional and genuine stories, connect with their customers / patients in far deeper and more meaningful ways than their competitors.

You can tell your weight loss story or someone else’s weight loss story. Tell a story about a successful patient, let your audience connect and relate to that patient. Your patient wants someone or something to cheer for. Give them a hero. Captivate their imagination with stories. I recommend having them flip through the success book before your consult. Did you set up In-house weight loss marketing?

Have a conversation

Why it works: Practice your consult so that you can deliver as effortlessly as you are having a conversation with a close friend. You are an authentic person but even authenticity in a presentation may be lacking if you don’t practice. Weight loss is a problem for everyone. Perhaps we can all lose a pound or two?

Discuss with your patient what is going on. Be at ease.

Listen to your patient, nod along and encourage them to open up. Actually repeat back to them their concerns for this shows you are listening and you care. Accept your patient as who they are. Do not judge them. We really believe most patients need help.

2. Create novelty

Teach Something New !

Why it works: Reveal information, new data or a new concepts that’s completely new to your audience, packaged differently, or offers a fresh novel way to solve an old problem. The human brain loves novelty. An unfamiliar, unusual, or unexpected element in a presentation intrigues the audience, jolts them out of their preconceived notions, and quickly gives them a new way of looking at the world. What you present may not be earthshattering or unfamiliar to your audience but that doesn’t mean you cannot deliver it in a fresh new way.

New information here is the 60 Day SOZA Weightloss kit, coupled with the benefits of rapid weight loss (as opposed to standard diets). Refer to part 3 on how to explain the SOZA Weight loss program.

Deliver Jaw-Dropping Moments

Why it works: Jaw-dropping moments create what neuro-scientists call an emotionally charged event, a heightened state of emotion that makes it more likely your audience will remember your message and act on it. These are where props (fat replica) come in handy during demonstrations.

There are many ways to create a jaw-dropping moment. With our weight loss program, a before and after picture with dramatic results produces a “WOW!” Another neat jaw-dropping moment is showing what 1lb or 5lb of of fat looks like (picture below will gross them out). Additionally you can take a BMI measurement which may calculate your patient as clinically obese (they hate that). These props are available for purchase on amazon. In fact ask us for a free 1lb of replica. We will mail it to your clinic for free.

Lighten Up

Why it works: Humor lowers defenses, making your audience more receptive to your message. It also makes you seem more likeable, and people are more willing to do work with someone they support or like.

Relax. Add some humor. Smile. Tell the your patient that everyone would like to lose a 1lb an hour if they could!

Bottom Line – (The point is to have a memorable consult)

Why it works: Remember the brain doesn’t pay attention to boring things. It’s nearly impossible to be bored if you’re exposed to mesmerizing images, captivating videos, intriguing props, and more than one voice bringing the story to life. The brain craves multisensory experiences, and your consult will be memorable and you can expect that the patient will sign-up.

  1. Relax and have a candid conversation

  2. Tell your story!

  3. Success Book pictures, and stories of other people

  4. 1lb of fat replica to shock or disgust them

Ready for the part 3?

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