Two weeks is an excellent time to ask your patients the following questions to see how they cope.
1. Are you losing weight?
The dramatic weight loss results would have occurred by this time, and weight loss can start to slow down a bit. That being said, weight loss should still be rapid. When you are following a rapid weight loss diet of roughly 800 calories, then weight loss should be consistent. Patients are expected to lose 10-15 pounds quickly in the first two weeks.
The program is mildly ketogenic; the patient should be in nutritional ketosis. Make sure they are eating 800 calories a day and not more. Having occasional snacks here and then that are allowed or NOT allowed does add up.
2. Is your appetite under control?
By this time, they should have gotten into a routine and groove. If they are still hungry and taking their supplements, it is most likely a need for more protein and vegetables. More protein is one of the main drivers of hunger. At least 50-60 grams a day of PROTEIN.
Note: a whole chicken breast is not only made up of protein. Here is a tip, have them eat their middle snacks after lunch. It will help satiate them and help them lose weight faster.
3. Are you feeling light-headed? weak?
Everyone is different. By this time, they shouldn't feel these symptoms, but if they do, then here are some remedies:
Drink more water; they could be dehydrated. They must pass at least 5-6 volumes of urine daily.
They could add a mineral supplement with potassium and magnesium to help relax them.
Get more variety in their foods during the week. Don't just have iceberg lettuce daily; think of that as a "salad."
Enough protein during the day and before they sleep
4. Are you getting constipated?
That can happen; it is an average side effect of losing weight. If you wonder how fat is lost from the body, click here. In the meantime, this is what helps with constipation:
Drinking more fluids for sure
More non-starchy vegetables – leafy greens, spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, blackberries, chia seeds, and flax seeds. We understand that these seeds are not approved on the diet, but we suggest you see if it helps them. Don't let them overdo it.
Get an OTC laxative. We recommend aloe ferox as a natural ingredient similar to our supplement.
5. Are you sleeping enough?
Studies and our experience prove that people who are not sleeping well lose less. Sleep deprivation of two hours causes us to overeat because it increases our stress hormones. A study in the UK found that this overeating amounted to 385 extra calories. If your patient is sleep deprived, their blood sugar levels will rise during the day, causing excess hunger.
Getting a good night's sleep is all about establishing a regular schedule in which you go to bed and get up at the same time every day of the week, including the weekend. Melatonin also helps. We have slow-release melatonin.
6. Do you have bad breath?
Brush your teeth! Seriously. Ketosis produces bad breath, which means they lose fat, so don't worry. However, they can chew stevia gum. We like this particular brand which can be found on Amazon. It's called SPRY.
7. How is your mood? how are you coping?
They should have increased energy and be very motivated. If they are feeling down or irritable, you can advise them to increase their good fat intake for a week.